Monday, March 9, 2020

My Identity Inheritance essays

My Identity Inheritance essays I have determined myself to be a star-bellied sneetch. I am a white, heterosexual male. Even though I do not follow a particular religion, I am still considered to be part of a dominant group. Ive grown up in a middle class environment, which has given me opportunities that subordinate group members usually do not receive. Although I am not tall, classically good looking, or in top physical shape, my identity will continue to provide me an edge at a good life. My father, who is of mainly Irish descent, doesnt like talking about his family for personal reasons. For my family tree, I decided to interview my mother instead. She has more knowledge about her mothers side than her fathers, so that is what Ill be writing about today. The Oelholf's immigrated to the United State from Germany near the end of the 19th century. The German family brought their young son, Fred, who is my great great grandfather. Farming was their trade. They settled in the small rural community of Spencerville, Ohio. There they grew corn and soybeans while also raising livestock. The Oelholf family made a good living in agriculture. They got along well with neighbors because of their strong work ethic and Protestant beliefs. Fred took over the farm as his father grew too old to work. He married and raised four children, and to each he left a section of the farm. One of those children, William, is my great grandfather. William worked hard while growing up on the farm. When his number was called, he went overseas and fought in World War I. Luckily, he came home alive. He continued the family business of farming, and thrived. William married Nondis, a woman of English descent, who bore six children. While being a homemaker, Nondis also made arts and crafts which she sold to the community. Nondis and Williams first child was John, or as he was better known, Johnny. I dont have a lot of details about...